

With this Insights section we provide you with the latest update on the progression of the BioMedical Design Fellowship Programme. Insights are written by BioMedical Design Fellows on a weekly basis and from time to time by the BioMedical Design staff when we feel we have some important messages to convey to our audience.

Communicate like a Child

The Creative Skills phase helped fellow Naja Villadsen integrate creativity in her professional life and opened up for communication with drawings and fast prototypes instead of words. Just like children do.

How to treat a need

Writing a need statement document and coming to an agreement on what ideas to work on in a team is quite a journey. Fellow Kasper Linde tells his story.

Need some answers?

This is a webinar about the BioMedical Design Fellowship Programme featuring the managing director and two current fellows who both explains and answer questions about the programme.

Clinical Immersion – the importance of field work

I’m Roeen Roashan. I come from a business background, with an MBA from 2012. After working as a health technology analyst for more than six years, I decided to start my own health-tech company in…

The BioMedical Design Boot Camp – in my words

My name is Chantelle Driever and I am one of the lucky 8 Aarhus fellows for 2019/20. I have a background in biomedical and biomolecular engineering, and in recent years I had a shop selling…

New BMD teams observing ears, noses and throats – stomachs and kidneys

– BioMedical Design fellows doing their clinical immersion on otolaryngology, gastroenterology and nephrology The new classes of BioMedical Design fellows got together at the old Skjoldnæsholm Castle on Zealand to mark the transition from boot…